here are my thoughts,
The funny thing about Psystar, i am sure you herd about these guys.
not only does the Apple Community not like these guys profiting from
stolen software, But the OSX86 Community that made it posable to install
OSX on a standard pc also hate these guys.
Everyone has different motivations it seems.
The apple side is upset these guys are stepping all over osx. They are cheeping
the MAC experience, most apple users promote the MAC Hardware and the OS.
psystar may even give OSX and Apple a bad name, people that get fooled into buying these
systems thinking its a real mac are getting tricked! When 10.5.3 comes down and the users
try to run the combo update, Their mac clones will be disabled, they will no longer boot.
The Leopard dvd they get with the computer will not boot,
because the machine is not EFI equipped...
The only other solution is to send their hard drive back to psystar and hope they send a pre-installed loaded drive in return.
Now the OSX86 community has always said "this is not for commercial use" or even every day use,
It is just a sort of hobby for some highly intelligent people. Most of these guys Own a real mac and
mention they own a real mac. They even promote that you buy a real mac.
The OSX86 community does have morals, they know apple needs to be supported for all their hard work.
Psystar is slapping the face of the the people that put in hard work to make OSX run on normal PC's(for hobby purposes)
Psystar is slapping the face of their customers.
Psystar is slapping the face of the OSX86 Community, do not and would never condone what they are doing!
Psystar is steeling osx from apple, the 129.00 Price for osx is subsidized because apple knows you will install it on hardware
you bought from them that is why its so cheap. If it was not for that, i am sure OSX would be much more expensive.
What shyster, i mean psystar is doing is completely and totally immoral.
its like a mirage, you see that it works... but the mirage will fade and all you will have left is very low quality
poory built Windows or Linux box.
it's pretty sad. and i know this because i am a huge apple fan... have personally owned about every mac ever made...
you always notice the time and effort that goes into every mac, you can just look at any Mac and tell right away
that its is very high quality appliance.
This psycrap startup is a churn and burn... they are going to sell as many crap boxes as they can and then vanish...
the sad part is once psycrap goes away ... even the community is not going to be there for the customers.
anyone who would post a message on the forums saying they have a psycrap machine will just get ignored.