Sunday, July 08, 2007

Some people...

There is a indirect line that can be classified as art and
others as borderline porn!

This was FrontPage news on
My first thought was WTF, who is the queer?

but i suppose apple praises him for using apple
products to make his sexual phallic art.

Relating to or being the stage of psychosexual development in
psychoanalytic theory that follows the anal stage and during which
a child becomes interested in his or her own sexual organs==>

Michel Tcherevkoff: ===>Has the look of: Don't trust this guy!

then i went to his site... the queerness continues!

One more of this Pedo's classics, its like saying Women! Wear this and you will
get that! ( lol )

Boner? Yup... you can see his site HERE.